Support the development of the TiA website

Tourism worldwide has been impacted severely by the Covid pandemic. With the lockdown of countries, the closure of borders and the effective grounding of most international flights, tourism has come to a complete standstill and it will take significant time to recover to pre-Covid levels.

In Africa the situation is particularly bad. Pre-Covid, in most African countries tourism contributed a significant pprtion to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and millions of people are reliant on the income derived from tourism. Many tourism entities are on the verge of collapse and even more people stand to loose their job due to this.

The TiA website was developed to assist the tourism industry in Africa in multiple ways:

  • The extensive booking capabilities through the TiA website are offered during an initial trial period completely free of charge to both the tourism suppliers and the end-user.
  • The TiA website is developed in Namibia, by Namibians, for any person interested in tracvel to or within Africa and therefore any future revenues generated through this website will remain in Africa, unlike the many international booking portals, which have no affiliation to any specific country.
  • The TiA website is the first to combine all parts of the tourism industry on one platform, offering an all-round experience for any potential visitor to popular tourism destinations in Africa. Not only can tourism services be booked through this website, but there are also extensive possibilities to exchange travel ideas and ways to experience the diverse and colourful nature of tourism and hospitality that make travel in Africa so unique. 
  • Tourism suppliers can utilize the extensive booking capabilities of this website to streamline and modernize their operations and are able to retain more profits from bookings generated through this website.

Why donate:

The developers of this website are offering their time and expertise at no cost at all towards the creation of this website.

Unfortunately, there are other costs involved in getting such a website off the ground. These costs include, amongst others, the following:

  • Cost of web space and hosting
  • Technical development and customization of applications included in the website
  • License fees for web elements such as google maps and others
  • Cost to ensure the highest quality of website security.

Lastly, there are also considerable expenses in online marketing to ensure that this website reaches it's targeted audience.

Donations collected through this campaign will be allocated 100% towards the above mentioned causes and the further development and upkeep of this website. 

Any contribution, irrespective of amount, are highly appreciated and ultimately help the tourism sector through this crisis.


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Get listed on TiA

If you offer any kind of accommodation, day trips, activities, tours, events or restaurant and food services you should contact us to get listed on this website.
Check out our Infos for Tourism Suppliers or click below to

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